Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Incredible Hulk

What's the fastest way to get from point A to point B? A straight line. Well, I think the director thought the same thing. This movie is called a "reboot" and it is just that. They wasted no time getting right down to the point in that they showed you the Hulk's origin while the opening credits are running in the form of pictures and blurred memory flashes of Bruce Banner. Fuck the dumb shit; get to the story - just the way the audience likes it. Most everybody saw the first one by now; no need to fuck around. The story then takes you to Bruce living in Brazil, and not the nice part where everyone is partying. The fuckin' flavelas. He's working in a bottling company that bottles sodas and is communicating with someone named Mr. Blue who is trying to help him find a cure (surprise, surprise). After an accidental cut on his finger that leads the American government and General Ross to his location, he Hulks up, dukes it out with a few soldiers and bolts. Of course he finds himself back to Betty Ross, who is dating a doctor - last name: Samson. Hulk comic book fans will know who he is. I would go into more of the plot but what's the point? You know how these things go. People fuck with Bruce, he gets pissed, Hulks up, kicks ass and powers down half naked in some strange ass place. A good Christmas gift for Bruce Banner - Rosetta Stone with all of the language packs. Also, unlike the first film, you get a true sense of the dichotomy of the Hulk. The tortured soul craving for a normal life really comes though in this film. So, let's get down to the questions people really have:
Is it better than the first one? YES.
Is the CGI better? Of course.
Can Edward Norton pull off the role? He did. I don't think Eric Bana did a bad job as the Hulk, I thought it was a shitty script, which brings us to the next question:
Was the story line better? Yes. They also had better settings and a decent antagonist for Hulk to fight. That helped a lot.
Does the CGI look real? No. It doesn't. As a matter of fact, it almost looks like a game. A really, really good game. The Hulk doesn't look real but the interaction with the real people is done in such a way that it blends so well you are able to suspend disbelief, as it should be when something is well done.
Who's hotter as Betty Ross? Jennifer Connelly '03 or Liv Tyler '08? Connelly kicked Liv's ass as Betty Ross. Though they both look like Betty, Liv at NO POINT IN THIS MOVIE convinced me for one second that she was Dr. Elisabeth Ross. Jennifer was easily able to pull off the smart girl role. Liv ain't that bright in real life and it shows in her acting. In my opinion, she was the worst thing in the movie. They should have tried for Anne Hathaway or just recast Jennifer Connelly. Tim Roth on the other hand was damn good as Blonsky.
Were there lots of cameos? Yes, and they were all cool and well placed.
Any scenes after the credits? Not this time. (at least not at the screener) Don't leave early, though. The last scene is cool.
Is this worth the money to go see? I'd have to say yes. Ed Norton did well and like the new James Bond, even though he's not somebody you'd expect to play the role, he does a good job with it.
They did a great job of conveying the loneliness that comes with being the Hulk in the script and the scenes and the pace were good. Its on par with Iron Man. If they are going to start doing superhero movies this way, count me in for the next few. would say "If you liked Iron Man you may like the following movie" I'd put money on it but understand that there is a lot more CGI in this than what is noticeable in Iron Man. That makes it seem more "fantasy like" . Don't worry, its still good.
Can I take the wife/girlfriend and kids? Its the Hulk; what the hell do you think?
Lots of action? Hmmm. Sort of. The fight scenes are off the hook and way more explosive and graphic than in the first Hulk movie. Still, this Hulk seems a little less powerful than the one from the first movie. I can't explain it but he just does. He seems less likely to run around a canyon. Still, the action scenes that are there are off the gawd damn hook and way better than the first movie.
In conclusion, if I didn't already see it for free, I'd still fuck with it. I say matinee it. Not because its not worth the full price but because gas is so damn high you've got to cut corners somewhere.

Here, fuck with a free popcorn with the purchase of a drink:

That's an AMC theater coupon. Don't say I never gave yo asses nothin'.

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