Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I went into this film expecting something profound and moving and deep.
Everybody goes blind due to some unexplained reason except for one person - Julianne Moore. She's the wife of an eye doctor who gets the "white blindness" from an Asian guy who comes into his office after going blind in his car. Subsequently, you see everyone who visited him and everyone from his office eventually in this "zone" that can be described basically as a quarantine camp. The movie is basically an character study of what happens when something disrupts the social order on a massive scale. To keep it real, I didn't like this shit. Oh, I got it. I got the message of the frailty of the human condition and how people can become under stressful situations. I just didn't like it. This movie was so busy trying to make a point that it forgot to be a movie. I know I'm supposed to praise it and shit because the guy that did City Of God, an actual brilliant movie, did this one and I'm supposed to call him a "genius" and shit.
Fuck that. This movie was some boring, lukewarm, artsy-fartsy assed BULLSHIT.
Even seeing Alice Braga naked was less than thrilling and Julianne Moore should keep her clothes on - even in the shower. Yes, there is a nude shower scene with three women in it. No there is no lez shit going on. No its not "hot". Moving right along. I'm not even going to review this shit properly because it doesn't deserve a bunch of words. Its not too hard to say BORING and WACK. The only people who will think this shit is genius are dumbed down, brain-dead idiots and pseudo-intellectuals who will say it was great for cool points among their peers.
Save your money. Save your bandwidth. Don't pay to see this shit. Don't even waste rapidshare bandwidth downloading it. Its fucking stupid.
If everybody else is blind and you can see, who's running shit? YOU. You would think. Not this bitch. Nope. She fell in line with the social protocol of anarchy within the camp and even allowed herself to be raped. YES, I said ALLOWED HERSELF. (Blind muh fuckas formed a gang and was rationing food out and decided that women had to fuck for food)
This shit is too stupid to accept and so busy trying to be meaningful that as a movie, it ended up sucking.
Do yourselves a favor and turn a blind eye to "Blindness". Wait till the shit comes on t.v. Its not even a decent rental. Fuck that garbage.
I want my two hours back.

Next time somebody writes a movie about "white blindness", they need to let Spike Lee direct it. The white blindness they need to be making movies about will never get made. I'm talkin' bout the real "white blindness that goes on in our society on the regular.
Racial social exclusion. Where's THAT fuckin' movie, huh?

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