Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Body Of Lies

I know what you're thinking. What? Another espionage movie?
Yes, another one. Body of Lies takes a journey through Jordan with Leonardo DiCaprio as a spy in the Middle East (and in my opinion an unconvincing one at that) who is doing guess what? Well if you've seen "The Kingdom" or "Traitor" you already know. Trying to get to the old man behind the boys setting off the bombs.
You know how this shit works. Don't front. Russell Crowe puts it down as Ed, Leo's boss, who is a cold, ruthless bastard who spends most of his time being a good father to his children. Seriously, most of the movie, he's taking his kids to school or to soccer games while giving Leo orders to fuck shit up. Leo plays a dude named Roger who is trying to find himself and his place in the world while going on missions to try to get to the bottom of the latest, greatest terrorist organization. Riiight. :rolleyes: In the meantime, he meets a banging little Iranian chick named Aisha (sounds like a sista's name :D ) and is trying to establish a life for himself outside of his work.
Now, I have to say I enjoyed the movie because as with most of these espionage movies, it has a good story. I thought "Traitor" and "The Kingdom" were better in certain ways overall but this one doesn't suck. Its good. Russell Crowe proves that he's ten times the actor that Leo is by playing a very convincing southern redneck turned CIA bureaucrat. Russell is all about "fuck 'em and fry 'em while Leo, being in the midst of all of the shit, is much more sympathetic to the people and what's going on in the real Arab world.
Leonardo is a hot and cold actor in my opinion. Sometimes he's really on point and sometimes he's "meh". Although he's been is some really good movies (including this one), he still comes off as some chick's little brother to me. This role was a step back from his performance in "Blood Diamond", where I think he actually showed some A list acting chops. That may well have been Leo's best work as an actor.
Anyway, under Ridley Scott's direction, you already know this movie is gonna take number one at the box office this weekend. You may as well fuck with it if you're gonna fuck with anything else in this realm. If I had to choose between this and Eagle Eye, I'd pick this for the story and Eagle Eye for the action. If I had to watch one over again, it would be this one. I'm sure it'll get an academy nod while Traitor (the better of these two in my opinion) might just slip by the academy. We'll see.
Its worth the money to go see it anytime. Of course there's no nudity but there are a couple of rough death scenes and a torture scene or two that's cringe-worthy.
The movie is too heavy for children. Don't take 'em.
Its a good flick; worth fuckin' with if you're going to spend money on a movie. Its right at the two hour mark, so piss before you watch it.

Oh, here's a bonus review:
If you were thinking of watching Quarantine - don't. Let me save you the trouble. It is a complete, almost shot-for-shot remake of this Spanish horror movie called [REC]. You can either rent it or if you have a rapidshare account, fuck with it that way. [REC] came out in 2007 and they remade that mutha fucka and dropped it THIS YEAR! Ain't that a bitch? Fuck with the original. Its in Spanish but the subtitles are hardcoded into the film. Its okay. Its like 28 Days Later taking place in one apartment building, shot with one camera, "reality" style.

[REC] 2007 DVDRip

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