Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Last House On The Left

In this era of remakes where it seems like nobody has an original thought, all you can usually do is hope that they at least do a good job on the remake. Well, I think Hollywood is starting to get the idea with movies like The Last House On The Left.
Normally, most would sit up and compare it to the original version. Well, fuck that. I'm not gonna do it...THIS TIME. A quick run down on the flick: A family rolls out to this summer home in the woods. (Last house on the left my ass, it was the ONLY house on the left). Daughter - champion swimmer, only child. She, mom and dad the doctor are just out kicking it, doing what happy upper middle class white folk do.
Daughter decides to go kick it with her friend the pothead. They run into this teen boy with the good stuff (sticky icky) and they bounce over to his hotel room to smoke one. Daughter is reluctant but friend is good to go (as always). While they are there, in comes Daddy, his girl and his uncle. That's when the party starts. Since they are all psychopaths (except the son), its no surprise that they wild out. Being that they are wanted criminals, the son realizes that he fucked up when his dad, uncle and dad's bitch take them into the woods and kick off what has to be one of the most graphic and unsettling rape scenes in American film in the last 15 years or so. I mean that shit was hard! (So that's what killer Dad does when he's not hunting down John Connor, huh?) The wild thing is that you actually see more nudity in this movie from killer Dad's girlfriend than you do of the victim (daughter) but the scene itself is harsh. You really realize how traumatizing rape probably is and they really drive home how vicious humans can be. Now, this scene is not as cold as Monica Bellucci's scene in "Irreversible", which in my opinion is the most graphic rape scene in cinema, but its not too far off. Now, the shit gets interesting because it really takes a turn for the worst for the girls and as it turns out, the "family" is very near the house with the daughter's mom and dad and it starts to storm, so guess where they show up?
Yeah, after a carefully placed item gets noticed, the shit pops off! You already know how these types of movies are gonna go if you've seen a lot of thrillers. Unlike a lot of other recent movies, Last House On The Left actually is a thrill to watch. I think because its a hard R instead of PG-13 and that made a big difference.
Okay, now for the questions: If I go, can I take my 6, 9, 13, 15 year old? HELL NO!
Its it worth paying full admission price for?
Uh, I probably wouldn't just because its a mid-budget thriller and the acting is just "okay" but if you want to see a real R rated movie like they used to have back in the 70s/80s, this is it. As a matter of fact, its one of the most "R" rated movies I've seen this year. Its well worth the matinee price but heed my warning, if you take a female, she may get up and walk out of this one and don't expect to get no action afterward unless she has rape fantasies. There's nothing that gets a woman out of the mood like seeing another woman get violated.
This movie isn't that bad. As a matter of fact, its pretty good and stands up on its own, even though its a remake. I have a couple of personal issues with how weak Dr. Dad came off at times. I'm sick of Hollywood trying to send the subtle messages that men are weak. That shit is played out. But, fuck it. I won't go there...THIS TIME.
This shit ain't for kids and it ain't for teens either. If you go, DON'T TAKE THEM.
Its worth the dough for a matineƩ if you see a lot of movies. If you don't, go ahead and pay the full price. I've seen people pay more for worse.
Hollywood is starting to come around and make real R-rated cinema again. I like this trend. I'm sick of having to wait for the "unrated DVD" to see the real movie.